About Me
Have you ever found the perfect job?
I have!
Since 1998, I have traveled the world as a Professional Panoramic Photographer and 23 years later I'm still in the hunt and loving every minute!
It all started when I purchased my first 360º camera from IPIX and immediately envisioned what I could create. It was pure magic, and changed my life. In June that same year, I founded Enviropix, LLC and set about a path to introduce this 360º imagery to all who would listen and see.
It turned out well!
Since then, I've shot for hundreds of clients and have created thousands of virtual tours. I have also learned what works and what doesn't.
Fast forward to 2018, I rebranded from Enviropix, LLC to 360Niche and offer clients an easy way to supercharge their marketing with professional panoramic photography and simple pricing!

/niCH,nēSH/ A position or activity that particularly suits somebody’s talents and personality or that somebody can make his or her own.